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How We Work for You

25 years of trading, investing, advising, and understanding markets and risk.

We have been a client and an entrepreneur. Many of the choices you have in front of you are similar to the ones we have had to make for ourselves. We are uniquely positioned to understand the complexities that may be in front of you.

We are accountable to you, our clients, not to some corporate entity. This allows us the freedom to do what we believe is in your best interest.

We customize and design each portfolio to meet your wants and needs so you have the ability to have CHOICES. 

We incorporate all of your assets when assessing and building an appropriate portfolio, allowing us to understand where you may have too much risk or not enough exposure to a particular asset class.

Our role is to be your personal CFO. We customize a roadmap to help our clients succeed. We act as your sounding board, collaborating with other trusted advisors in their particular areas of expertise.

We offer objective, unbiased advice. We sit on the same side of the table as you.

We are fee-only, we are committed to transparency.  We only get paid by our clients; no other compensation is received from outside sources. While we advise our clients on insurance matters, we do not sell insurance or insurance-based products.

We follow a fiduciary duty, putting your interest above all others.

The bottom line is, do the right things for the right reasons, 

no matter who’s watching.

To learn more about working with Werth Weil Wealth Management, contact us.